Centre for Life Los Angeles

Integrative Medicine

Office Hours - 

Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 6:00 pm.

Saturday: 9:00 - 2:00 pm.

Sunday: Closed

By Appointment Only


  • Homeopathy
  • Acupuncture
  • Naturopathy
  • Integrative Psychiatry 
  • Energy Healing 
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Chiropractor 
  • Addictions
  • Primary Care
  • Preventive Health Care
  • Weight Loss
  • Wellness Program

We are a staff of physicians and integrative practitioners that base our success on our patients' long-term good health.  

We believe in personalized care based on your health concerns.

Contact Us

To guide the whole person into a state of physical,  mental, emotional and spiritual well being, with professionalism, integrity, and wisdom.
We offer a variety of  integrative healing modalities in a beautiful, serene environment.


This season, we highly recommend trying the homeopathic remedy called influenzinum. It contains the same strains as the vaccine this year but none of the harmful additives. It is very effective and not harmful to the body. 
Influenzinum is just $15, so pick one up today!  

Meet the Practitioners

Centre for Life

13323 W. Washington Blvd, Suite 202 Los Angeles CA 90066

310 279-5010

Wellness Program

Over a series of 6 weeks, you will receive treatments that restore, rejuvenate, and balance mind and body. Call for more information 310 279-5010


Our Services

Avghi you are one of my miracle workers, contributing to that sense of peace.  Thank you for listening and finding the thing(s) that fixed the depression. I’m so grateful for your knowledge and your intuition and gifts.”    

–LW, teacher Long Beach CA

Please call your practitioner to schedule an appointment with them.

Our Mission